Tuesday, 11-02-2025
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FAQ - Frequent questions
One guide who will help it to use this site of the best form and to find the property of its dreams. Consult now!
As I make to look a property in the site
Vila Rainha?
I made a research and it did not have offers. Why?
As I make to ask for to more information on the offers that to interest me?
How I make to look a property in the site
Vila Rainha?
It has some forms to look the desired property...
- In the main page it can opt to consulting property in prominence clicking in the heading of the property it will be redirect for the page of detail of the property with all the information.
- It can still accede to menu of the categories, always available in the left side of screen.
- The menu uses of simple research inserting a word in text, or the reference of a property that knows. For more severity in the research, it uses the
advanced search, where it can specify with bigger detail its options.
I made a research and it did not have offers. Why?
In case that it does not have offers with the characteristics that you asked for, its search tries to expand a little, increasing the price band, for example. In the majority of the cases it could be to specify exaggerated options what it limits the results. If still thus not to find what it desires, contact us to any of our stores, therefore we could be in phase of update of the data, and although not to be on-line, probably we will have available that that it looks.
How I make to ask for more information on the offers that interest me?
In each of property it finds one form. It will be able to use it to marking one visit to the property, or simply to request clarifications.
It can still send the one email, contact us by telephone, or then going personally to any in our store where we will have all the taste in helping.